Tim Gunn Marvel Comic Superhero…

Fashion  Tim Gunn Superhero

Project Runway’s Tim Gunn is a Marvel superhero!!!  Well sort of…he’s a crimefighter against fashion ills.

Tim is featured in the “Loaded Gunn” story line, where he must help save an exhibit of superhero clothes with the high fashion models.

Tim commented:“It’s exciting and exhilarating, but bizarre. When they came to me, I said, `I’m about to turn 56 years old. Are they crazy?’ But it kept revealing itself in layers and next thing, I’m wearing the `Iron Man’ suit. I was dumbstruck.”

He added: “Most superheroes are fighting the same thing — good vs. evil — but who’s taking on crimes against fashion? Me!”



~ by angelicmusic on September 9, 2009.

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